Monday, March 7, 2011

Measurements (Week 8)

Upper Arms: 11.5in.  
Chest: 37in.   
Waist: 35in.   
Hips: 39in.   
Thighs: 24in.  

Total Loss = 16 inches  Double WooHoo!!

Week 8 DONE - & HALF way there!

I've now lost 24 pounds. I honestly can't believe it, I don't think my brain has caught up with what has actually happened in the last two months. 

And although I am almost down 2 dress sizes, I'm still just as anxious as ever to get to my goal. 

I KNOW I will get there, and I know it won't be too much longer... But I JUST WANT IT NOW! ;) 

Patience is a virtue, they say... A virtue I don't have too much of I guess. 

I would say that 40% of the time, staying OP is EASY- those days that I have so much going on, that food really is just an after thought. 

The other 60% of the time, it's a small struggle- those same ol' mind games... "Gosh I'm bored, I wish I could eat..." or "While I'm out, I might as well get some fast food..." Which tells me, I still have a lot to learn-- habits or 'thoughts of old habits' REALLY are hard to break.  

I will say, that going off-plan at all has never been an option. I know that the goal is in sight, and NO food is worth delaying that goal. 

The Good News:
-Down 24 lbs & 16 inches
-Over half-way to goal!!
-Finally out of the "Overweight" BMI and into "Normal"
-Continually losing 2lbs/week

The Bad News:
-Still feeling weak on occasion and thus,
-I haven't started working out...

Any advice?? How is the weight-loss going for you?

Monday, January 24, 2011

Measurements (Week 2)

Upper Arms: 12in.  
Chest: 40in.   
Waist: 37in.   
Hips: 41in.   
Thighs: 25.5in.  

Total Loss = 7 inches  WooHoo!

Week 2 - Complete!

Are you ready for a number? ... drum roll, please... 11 lbs! Can you believe that? For months, the scale hasn't budged more than a single pound and within 2 weeks I'm down 11 pounds.

And you want to know what the real kicker is? It really wasn't hard. I didn't feel faint, tired, hungry or deprived. Now granted those first few days were an adjustment, but that was it- a few days of uncomfortable for a loss like this? Totally worth it.

The physical part of weight loss is really quite simple. I can overcome hunger pains and I can certainly deal with the feeling of a shrinking waistline. I'm finding that weight loss is MOSTLY mental... Gazing at my husband's buttered dinner roll, do I really want that? No! But I'm upset that I can't have it. Why is that? I mean, who cares if he can burn up all the fat and sugar in this house. (only a little bitter)
Now, I live in a small town with two babies under 2 years old. With that, comes some alone time, aka boredom, and since starting my new diet, I have discovered that I am NOT in fact an "emotional eater" I am merely a "bored eater." 90% of the time I am thinking about food, the boys are in bed. It's not that I am hungry during those times, I'm just not doing anything else, so why not eat?

I'd also like to place some blame on the *open concept* floor plan of our house... We all know that being in/near the kitchen = thoughts of food = eating! With that said, I am looking forward to warmer weather so that I may retreat from the kitchen and head outdoors.

The rest of this journey will likely be slow, yet steady. I am aiming for a 2 pound loss each week...

The future, smaller me will check back with you soon!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 1 - DONE!

Sooo, Day 1 completed and against my better judgement, I couldn't help but step on the scale this morning just to see if there was any movement... Low and behold, 4.5 lbs lighter. IN A DAY! Isn't that nuts? Now granted, I did pee about 50 times yesterday, so I am sure that had something to do with it. Either way, I'll take it.

Was Day 1 difficult, you ask? Yes and no, I tend to expect the worst as a coping mechanism (pregnancy, delivery, fasting, dieting...), and because of that, I was pleasantly surprised. I felt fine in the morning, but come the afternoon I was feeling sort of faint and then around 5pm, I was craving carbs like you wouldn't believe. The wonderful part of Medifast though, is that you really don't have to wait long before you eat again (2 hours or so). And with their huge array of products, you are sure to find something to curb your cravings.

I have to say, I am excited. I really think I can make this work. Their food tastes good and it's so simple to do.

Here's one step closer to a bikini-bod this summer!

p.s. I did take before photos in a red bikini (but you won't get to see them until I have AFTER photos to go with it)!  =)

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Starting Measurements

Upper Arms: 12.5in.
Chest: 42in.
Waist: 39in.
Hips: 42in.
Thighs: 27in. (Wow, that kind of makes me want to vomit... My left leg could be someone's waist)

The Start of a New Journey!

Here I am, with a 19th month old and a 4 month old... Had you told me 2 years ago this is where I would be, I wouldn't have believed you. I would also have been truly bummed to hear I was up an additional 40 pounds (which is quite a lot in a pretty short amount of time).

I have to say, I was always hoping I would be one of those women who gain 20 pounds in pregnancy and lose that same 20 within the first couple weeks of the baby being born, if not more due to nursing.  Unfortunately, that was not the case for me. With each boy, I gained 40 pounds during the pregnancy and lost 20 after the birth.

After a few futile attempts to lose some pounds these last 2 months - I have not budged -- at all! They say, drastic times call for drastic measures. Thus, comes my journey on medifast...

My goal is to lose 40 lbs by May of this year. And I am hoping YOU will help me along the way!